API Security Program Metrics

2 min readOct 1, 2023


Several metrics are important to an API security program, including:

API request rate: This metric measures the number of API requests made over a given period. It can help identify potential denial of service (DoS) attacks or other types of abuse.

API authentication and authorization success rate: Reviewing the success rate of API authentication and authorization attempts can help identify any issues with these mechanisms.

API key and token usage: Reviewing the usage of API keys and tokens can help identify any issues with how API keys and tokens are being used or misused.

API penetration test results: Reviewing the results of API penetration testing will help identify any vulnerabilities in the API that need to be addressed.

API data validation success rate: Reviewing the success rate of API data validation will help identify any issues with the API’s input validation mechanisms.

API error rate: Reviewing the number of API errors that occur over a given period will help identify any issues with the API or the way it is being used.

API security event: Reviewing the number of security events on the API will help identify any security issues or vulnerabilities.

API response time: Reviewing how long it takes for an API to respond to a request will help identify any performance issues with the API or the underlying infrastructure.

